Executive Board

Courtney McGair P'31

Vice President
Elisa Vele P'29

Lisa Collins P'30

Brendan McGinn P'27, P'30

Lower School Representative
Cristen Raucci '34





All volunteers at St. Mary Academy - Bay View are required to complete Safe Environment Training and a BCI check once every three years.  Bay View will coordinate Safe Environment Training as well as facilitate the BCI paperwork with both new and returning volunteers as required. In addition, Massachusetts residents must also complete a CORI form.

Volunteer Forms

BCI Form 



(For Massachusetts Residents)

To complete the Safe Environment Training, virtually log into a meeting or see Melissa Braga in McAuley Hall.

The virtual training sessions are scheduled for the third Thursday of every month at 12:00 PM. Please use the link below to register for a session on the date of your choice. Once you have completed the training, Melissa Braga will send you the Diocese of Providence's form confirming your your successful completion of the Safe Environment Training course. If you have questions or need further assistance, please feel free to email Melissa at mbraga@bayviewacademy.org. 


Every parent is a member of Bay View Academy’s Parents Council simply by choosing the Academy for his or her daughter. Strong and dedicated participation allows parents, faculty and administrators to work together to build community and bring resources to the Academy, all to benefit our girls and young women. The Parent Council supports and promotes the school community through activities involving parents, students, faculty, staff and administration. It works to foster a spirit of solidarity, community and collaboration by providing opportunities for parents to meet socially, to become actively involved in the life of the school and to support the Academy's fundraising efforts. 

Parent Council Bylaws



The Parent Council (PC)  embraces and promotes the mission of St. Mary Academy - Bay View. It works together with the school community to support our mission as an educational community rooted in the values of the Sisters of Mercy and the charism of Catherine McAuley.


The Parent Council supports and promotes the school community through activities involving parents, students, faculty, staff, and administration. It works to foster a spirit of solidarity, community and collaboration by providing opportunities for parents to meet socially, to become actively involved in the life of the school, and to support the Academy’s fundraising efforts.

The Council shall pursue the following objectives:

  • To welcome new families and to serve as ambassadors for the Academy.

  • To encourage positive, productive and Mercy-centered communication within the school community (parents, teachers, staff and administration)

  • To sponsor family oriented activities

  • To sponsor fundraising activities that support school programs

  • To facilitate and volunteer support for the goals, needs and mission of the school

  • To hold informational meetings

  • To promote extra activities for the benefit of our students