The following cities/towns provide bus transportation for children age 5 and up, to and from Bay View, for no cost.
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Central Falls
- Cranston
- Johnston
- North Providence
- Pawtucket
- Providence
- Smithfield
- Warren
To ride the bus from one of these towns, complete the form on the Rhode Island Department of Education website. Transportation requests for the first day of school must be submitted by July 31. If you do not require service until later in the school year, please register 10 business days prior to the expected start date. You will receive a letter to confirm your child's bus stop information 10 business days before school starts.
Transportation request forms submitted on or after August 1 may receive a temporary bus stop assignment. Parents/guardians will be notified of their temporary stop time and location by phone before the first day of school.For eligibility and other information, please visit the RIDE Student Transportation web page. For other inquiries, please contact the Statewide Office directly at 401-304-9136.
The following cities/towns also provide bus transportation for children age 5 and up, to and from Bay View, for no cost and arrangements can be made using the link in the above banners.